DIY That Jawn

The Goal
Register as many people as possible while creating a fun and inviting atmosphere where young people can talk, get inspired, and celebrate their right to vote.
Gain the support of Philly communities and further Vote That Jawn's mission of amplifying youth voice and youth vote through Instagram Lives, follow-up videos and photos, and narrative material!
Getting Started
1) Location
Find an established, high traffic location in your target community.
HINT: Start with a school, transit hub, or nearby grocery store or other small business.​
Ask the owner for permission to use the sidewalk outside of the location. This is also a good time to build a partnership with the staff so they can help promote the drive!
2) Marketing
Have all flyers, posters, and other marketing materials ready at least one week before the event! This will give you and any other volunteers time to circulate them on social media and print out physical flyers to hang up and pass out.
Reach out to your social networks to let them know when and where you’ll be registering folks.
PRO TIP: Don't just tell people to come. Ask them to partner with you in spreading the word! Invite your social networks to join in on the opportunity to register people!
3) Materials
You will need the following items:
Table and chairs
Tablets (for online registration)
Voter registration applications
Absentee and mail-in ballot applications
Printed QR codes for registration website
Hand sanitizer and wipes
Water and snacks
Clipboards and pens
Trash bags
Microphone and speaker (for music, hype)
Ask volunteers to sign up to bring materials in advance and send out a reminder email the day before the drive.
4) Roles
Whether you are at the drive or participating remotely, everyone has a role to play!
Important roles include:
Creating marketing materials
Flyering before/during the event
Setting up
Registering folks
Hosting Instagram Lives
Conducting interviews during registrations
Photographing/ recording videos of the drive
Cleaning up
Sending personalized thank you notes to volunteers and business owners
At the Drive
Upon Arrival
Set up posters, flyers, music, tables, and other supplies.
Sign in all volunteers, interns, and leaders.
Communicate with location affiliates.
Take initial pictures to share on social media.
Share the drive schedule with volunteers, including when any Instagram Lives or speaker events will be conducted.
Establish strict social distancing protocols: stay 6-feet apart with masks; use hand sanitizer after each touch transaction; wipe tablets after anyone has touched them; dispose of all trash in trash bags.
During the Drive
Work the crowd. Hand out flyers and ask passersby whether they're registered to vote in PA.
Inform attendees about the voting process and answer any questions they may have.
Register new voters using tablets, mobile phones, and paper forms.
Conduct interviews with new voters and volunteers and ask permission to share the interview on social media.
Capture pictures, videos, and Instagram Lives of the event. Send pictures and videos to on-duty offsite colleagues for posting to social media.
Have fun!
After the Drive
Quality check all registration forms for completion and return them to your county election officials.
Clean up the drive site, collecting and disposing of all trash to leave the location as clean as you found it.
Hold a closing meeting to debrief on the event and thank volunteers for their hard work.
Check that you have all the materials you came with.
Thank volunteers, attendees, and location affiliates by email and ask for any feedback for your next drive
Reflect on what went well and what you could improve.
Start planning your next drive!
Follow and Share
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Tiktok @VOTETHATJAWN and tag us in any photos and videos you take at the event.
